BIM活用に向けた設計初期段階における環境シミュレーションのための窓モデルの開発 (その1):窓モデルの熱負荷への影響検討
池谷 風雅, 齊藤 孝一郎, 谷口 景一朗, 村井 一
日本建築学会技術報告集, 2023, 29 巻, 72 号, pp. 864-869
This study focuses on window, which have a large impact on environmental simulation, and has developed window model that incorporates the precise geometry information of window and the attribute information on thermal and optical properties required for the calculation of heat load and light environment. This enables designers to carry out environmental simulations and improve the design by addressing the aforementioned issues of information components, and is expected to increase the number of studies for the optimization of openings, particularly in residential buildings.