For Students学生の皆さまへ

Smartify the built environment and energy system of buildings and contribute to the green transformation (GX) and sustainability of society
Research PICT


Yasunori AkashiProfessor
赤司 泰義教授




From the perspective of human life, the fields and domains related to architecture and the environment are truly vast. Additionally, the technology and society surrounding the built environment are rapidly advancing and changing.

Therefore, it is not realistic for a single engineer to cover everything related to the built environment. With this in mind, the "BGX Research Group" aims to cultivate highly skilled engineers and researchers who can delve into specific specialized fields and domains within architecture and environmental studies, while also possessing the ability to cross and integrate other fields and domains.

We hope that students studying within the "BGX Research Group" will take full advantage of this fortunate environment and time, where they can interact with world-class experts and researchers active both domestically and internationally, and grow significantly by engaging with various technologies and knowledge related to architecture and the environment, using their hands, feet, and all five senses.
Keiichiro Taniguchi​Project Associate Professor
谷口 景一朗特任准教授







We are conducting research aimed at promoting energy efficiency and decarbonization in buildings while developing air-conditioning and spatial systems that enhance the comfort and productivity of all occupants by considering individual thermal preferences. Our work focuses on predicting and visualizing environmental distributions using IoT and AI technologies, utilizing sensor data to improve building operations, and optimizing energy-efficient design and operation. A key feature of our research is leveraging cutting-edge technologies to achieve both energy efficiency and occupant comfort.

As both a designer who considers the ideal form of architectural spaces and a researcher who verifies and advances those ideas, I have worked to bridge the gap between these two perspectives. Designers ask, "What kind of spaces are ideal for people?", while researchers strive to "scientifically validate and refine those concepts into something even better." Having both perspectives allows us to go beyond technical exploration and deeply consider the essence of space and its contribution to society.

In our laboratory, we are looking for individuals who:

Want to leverage technology to create better built environments
Are interested in data analysis and simulation and eager to tackle real-world challenges
Seek to explore new possibilities in architectural environments by integrating design and research
Research is a process of navigating between theory and practice, tackling questions that have no predetermined answers. There will be challenges along the way, but through discussions with colleagues from diverse backgrounds, new insights can emerge. Our lab values dialogue among students and faculty, fostering an environment where we can learn from each other as we progress in our research.

Additionally, we emphasize applying research findings to real-world scenarios, actively engaging in joint research with industry and government agencies. One of the major goals of our lab is to translate theoretical findings into practical solutions that contribute to society by integrating them into actual built environments.

Design and research, theory and practice, individual comfort and societal sustainability—by holistically considering these elements, let us explore new ways to create better built environments together!
Shohei MiyataProject Lecturer​
宮田 翔平特任講師




I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and share how my thoughts have evolved over time.

As an undergraduate and master’s student, my perspective on environmental issues was rather broad—I simply believed that they were critical challenges that needed to be addressed, and I wanted to contribute to society in some way. It was during my fourth year as an undergraduate that I joined this research laboratory, specializing in architectural environmental engineering and building systems. Looking back, rather than focusing on a grand vision, I was simply working relentlessly on developing air-conditioning system simulations. I vividly remember the excitement I felt when I finally debugged my simulations and saw them running smoothly, or when I tested an algorithm and obtained intriguing results. Research allowed me to work at my own pace, and by the time the weather turned cold in my first year of my master’s program, I had made up my mind to pursue a doctoral degree.

During my doctoral studies, I had the opportunity to present my research at domestic and international conferences and participate in university exchange programs, which allowed me to connect with a diverse range of students and professors. One of the most fascinating aspects of academia is the sheer diversity and brilliance of the people you encounter, and the profound inspiration that comes from interacting with them. As my research gradually progressed, my perspective also expanded, and I finally began to deeply reflect on the true significance of my work.

Currently, I am working as a specially appointed lecturer in the Smart Building System Industry-Academia Collaboration Course, a large-scale joint research project with nine private companies. Through this experience, I have come to appreciate the unique strengths of conducting research in the field of building systems in Japan. It is actually quite rare, even on a global scale, for so many private companies to actively engage in research and development in the field of building systems. I feel incredibly fortunate to collaborate with such companies and to contribute to research that will shape the future.

So, what does it truly mean to conduct research at a university? Given my limited experience, it is difficult to express this in a single phrase, but I believe it ultimately comes down to doing the right thing, in the right way. What constitutes the "right thing"? And what does it mean to "do it the right way"? Research topics and academic papers may seem complex, but at their core, I am always guided by these fundamental principles.

A university laboratory is a place where you will encounter countless intellectual challenges and opportunities for growth. While there may be difficult moments, I hope that we can enjoy our research together and make the most of this enriching experience!









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GA technologies Kangwon National University (Korea) / National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan) / NetEase Games (China) / University of Tennessee (USA)


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