実環境下における日射制御部材を有する窓の成分別取得熱量の測定 ー室内側ロールスクリーンにおける検討ー
岸本 尚子, 季 思雨, 辻 果歩, 谷口 景一朗, 佐藤 誠, 前 真之, 二宮 秀與, 井上 隆
日本建築学会技術報告集, 2022, 28 巻, 69 号, pp. 745-750
In recent years, passive designs, that acquire solar radiation from large windows during winter time, are becoming widespread. However, due to privacy issues, there are some houses in which curtains and other shading devices remain closed throughout the year. In this research, we focused on the roller blinds that can control the solar radiation and view, in response to the weather conditions and the surrounding environment, and measure the solar heat gain and the heat transfer by component of the windows with roller blinds under the actual environment.