日射を考慮した住宅の冷房吹出口の配置手法の提案 随伴変数法を用いたCFD逆解析の活用
劉 行, 前 真之, 高瀬 幸造, 谷口 景一朗, 孫 路寧, 盧 炫佑, 桃瀬 一成, 池島 薫
日本建築学会技術報告集, 2020, 26 巻, 64 号, pp. 1019-1024
A quantitative guideline on the optimal design of a cooling air outlet is important to guide the design of the residence. There are many studies on the indoor thermal environment of ducted cooling air outlet using CFD, but few of them include empirical analyses. This research carried out an inverse analysis that takes solar radiation into consideration in order to study the effective arrangement of air outlets that can achieve a comfortable indoor thermal environment during cooling. The results showed that the inverse analysis using CFD is effective while designing the indoor thermal environment and can be used in practice.