
Category :

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  • Journal Paper/

Date :

Jul 16th Thu, 2020

Wind pressure coefficient distribution of detached houses in a dense residential block

Keiichiro Taniguchi, Yoshihiko Akamine
JAPAN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW, Volume 3, No. 4, 2020, pp. 629-645

In a dense residential block, external airflow patterns around a site should be analyzed initially in the design stage to improve cross ventilation, thereby improving the comfort of an occupant and saving energy. After surveying the block density in Tokyo’s main residential zones, we concluded that the height and distance of neighboring buildings contribute significantly to external airflow patterns. Next, using a wind tunnel, we tested the effect of altering the height and distance of a neighboring building based on the wind pressure coefficient regarding two different scenarios: a typical residential model and a model with ventilation-enhancing strategies.

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